Eric Clapton Details How The COVID Vaccine Paralyzed Him: Full Interview

This is the full interview with Eric Clapton from Oracle Films.

In the interview, Eric Clapton details how he was duped into getting the Astra Zeneca vaccine, what it did to his body, how the UK government installed a tracking app on his phone and the online hatred and bullying he received for speaking out against COVID lock-downs.

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

REPLACING THE DEAD: Corporations already planning to replace “vaccinated” employees who will likely die within a few years

An executive who works in the oil and gas industry to strategize succession plans for large corporations has issued a warning that companies all around the world are already anticipating having to replace their “vaccinated” workers within the next few years.

In the following video from, listen as the woman featured explains how the corporations she works with know full well that those injected for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) will more than likely die within the next three years, leaving employment holes that will need to be quickly filled: 

“Companies need to plan for what’s going to happen as their staff move on … and succession planning is something that I help companies with, specifically recruitment services,” she explains.

“Executives are having their HR staff and their managers, superintendents, floormen, etc., go through and look at the staff that have received the vaccines, and they’re planning on having to replace them all within the next three years. What does that say to you?”

The woman does not name herself, but does claim that she runs a company that works in succession planning. We are taking her word for it, but it does resonate with what French virologist and Nobel Laureate Luc Montagnier recently admitted about what will happen to jabbed people within the next few years.

“It’s got some of these guys literally in tears as they’re going through the company and literally checking off all of these individuals who have taken the vaccine, knowing that most likely within the next three years they’re going to have to replace that person,” the woman adds.

“This is a really big thing in the industry that I’m in. These massive gas and oil companies are looking to have to replace thousands of personnel.”

Injecting people with anything during a “pandemic” is unthinkable

Montagnier made similar comments during a recent interview, suggesting that once the injections run their course throughout a person’s body, death is pretty much certain. This could take weeks, months or years depending on the person.

“There is no hope and no possible treatment for those who have already been vaccinated,” Montagnier is quoted as saying.

Montagnier also railed on the idea of injecting people with anything at all during an alleged “pandemic,” calling it “unthinkable” because of the risks involved. Worse is what has been uncovered about how the injections function like a “slow kill” mechanism to end the recipient’s life on a time-delayed schedule.

In time, all the people who have been injected will start to see the effects of this when their immune systems are unable to ward off simple diseases like influenza and the common cold that become more prevalent yearly during the winter months.

Could it be that the effects of these injections will fully manifest in the fall and winter when the sun grows dimmer, temperatures grow colder, and sickness abounds? Many believe this will be the case, and there are only a few months that remain before we find out for sure.

“Once you realize that ALL vaccines are the head of pyramid schemes, everything begins to make sense,” a Natural News commenter wrote. “We are lied to about most everything. Vaccines and medications bring in tons of profits and power. All pharm products are dangerous and deadly.”

“The injected spike proteins destroy your immune system,” wrote another. “When the poisonous ingredients break down to their half-life in the body, they turn into other poisons. Side effects include fluid in the lungs, looks like covid and will be blamed on covid.”


MAGNETIC MEAT: Why Are Magnets Sticking To Meat?

Just when you thought things couldn't get any weirder .....

New videos are being posted showing that magnets are sticking to the meat supply. 

What do you think is going on???


Watch: G7 Pushes Mass Extermination

The start of the G7 was the predictable embarrassment only Joe Biden could deliver, complete with Biden’s trademark creepiness and moments of raging dementia, replete with cringe-worthy pandemic theatrics from the finest crop of globalist twits in human history.

And what did the meeting of social engineers accomplish?

Biden and his UK partner in crime Boris Johnson have committed to a 15% global minimum tax amid talks of exemptions for China while G7 countries pledge to donate one billion vaccine doses globally by the end of 2022.

Because as the coronavirus continues to disappear, it’s vital that young people are poisoned at a record pace.

Watch the video HERE:
