Sunday, October 10, 2021

“Everything you Need to Know about your RELIGIOUS RIGHTS protected by TITLE VII of the U.S. CIVIL RIGHTS ACT”

Title VII of the U.S. Civil Rights Act is a FEDERAL LAW that gives an individual the right to worship and have religious beliefs and rights to conduct themselves without interference. NO ONE, including a private or publicly held corporation, has the authority to violate it. 

Under Title VII of the U.S. Civil Rights Act, no individual can be harassed, coerced, influenced, threatened, forced or any other action to do something that is in conflict with their sincerely held religious beliefs. The law prohibits harassment, retaliation, intimidation, coercion or any other actions that are in violation and would seek to prohibit an individual from living their life or working in accordance with their God given conscience.

Title VII of the Civil Rights Acts guarantees the free exercise of religion without discrimination or interference.

You cannot and will not allow anyone, including a private or public company, to alter your God-given immune system that was designed by Him perfectly. You are already exempt from any behaviors, activities, protocols or policies that conflict with your sincerely held religious beliefs and that includes altering your immune system.

This is your own ethical, moral religious belief and you are invoking your religious exemption, not asking for it to be approved because you are legally protected under Title VII of the U.S. Civil Rights Act. 

A company's policy is NOT LEGAL and ENFORCABLE if it VIOLATES Title VII of the U.S. Civil Rights Act regarding someone's sincerely held religious beliefs.


In addition, a Religious Exemption is NOT GRANTED, it is something that you give notice to your employer in relation to your RIGHTS under that act. 

No one is allowed to make you abandon your sincerely held religious beliefs and sin against God, retaliate by putting you on unpaid leave of employment because you refuse to abandon your sincerely held religious belief and sin against God or make your workplace hostile because you refuse to alter your sincerely held religious beliefs and sin against God. 

If you're in California, there are more laws to prevent illegal business practices. Watch this informative video.

Much gratitude to Peggy Hall from


Religious Discrimination and Reasonable Accommodation for Religious Beliefs

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