Tuesday, November 9, 2021

What's Going On???

I feel like I'm in another reality. By day I am a Life Insurance Agent talking to older people about their final expenses where I am fully emerged in this death cult matrix, having to dumb myself down in order to do my job. By night, I'm an avid investigative journalist, seeking truth in a world where lies and deceit are rewarded and truth and virtue shunned upon. 

I find myself wanting to not be in this existence anymore. I am all alone, in my mid fifties, family all alienated and yet, I have such deep care and concern about what's going on in the world that I actually do spend my free time trying to warn others of the dangers that are all around us, the truth of our reality. 

Then I come across a video like this, and I know that if I shared it with the average folk, it would go totally over their heads ....and I feel helpless in what is transpiring in front of all of us ....

This video is seriously disturbing. 

Via J Wilderness

PLEASE NOTE: There is ONE mistake in this video, The Welsh Rugby player  -  died in 2015. The spammers and trolltards have been going in hard on me for that and are trying to use it to discredit the 65+ other relevant screenshots contained within. Feels like we're "over the target" with this one. Anyway, I'm gutted about that mistake, but as I say this video could have gone on for at least double it's length, and here are some additional reports gathered in the last 24 hours alone (most incidents occurring within the past week), there's a ton more of this:

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