Monday, October 21, 2013

Central Banking ....The Axis of Evil


In the year of 2000 there were seven countries whose economies operated without a privately owned central bank, they were:
Generally accepted "terrorist" hotbeds.
North Korea
Those well known human rights abusers.

Today, thanks to the yoeman efforts of both the Bush and the Obama administration on behalf of the world's central bankers, only three remain:
North Korea

It doesn't take much reading up on this stuff before pretty quick you come across the Rothschilds, Khazarian vs. Abrahamic Jews, Synagogue of Satan stuff, the Rockefellers, Trilateral Commission, the Bank for International Settlements, Bilderbergs and The Council on Foreign Relations etc., all of which completely saturates this conversation.
And, all of which, while fun and most likely mostly true, completely misses the point.
That point being, why on earth would any nation put it's national bank and thus it's supply of money in the hands of privately held interests rather than in the hands of a democratically elected or governmentally appointed body, and thus provide public oversight of the peoples money?
The reason is obvious, ... at least to us ... a privately held central bank enriches banks and bankers, or in other words, the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, denizens of The Council on Foreign Relation, Trilateral Commission, Bilderbergs, Bank for International Settlements, Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan and the other Primary Dealers, all at the expense of ordinary citizens. 
You can think and think and think and think and think and think and think and think and you will not come up with a system for funding your government that is more damaging to the average citizen.
I don't care what it is that you care about when it comes to politics, whether you are of the right or the left, liberal, conservative, socialist, communist, libertarian, anarchist, ambivalent or just plain disgusted, there is absolutely no possibility of achieving anything of your dreams for your nation until the money supply is ripped from the hands of the privately owned central bankers and vested with your nation's citizenry.
Where it obviously, will undoubtedy, absolutely and damn near immediately go FUBAR ......... but FUBAR in most of the world's economies lately, rates as a significant improvement. 
Until people seize control of the supply of their money, it ain't their country.
They are simply tenants or indentured servants or in the term of the day, "debt slaves".
Because ..... If it ain't your money, it ain't your country.


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